Centre for Economic Governance and Leadership

About the Centre for Economic Governance and Leadership

The Centre for Economic Governance and Leadership aims  at:

Developing and delivering short Professional programmes to the industry professionals and young graduates seeking employment 

Designing  and delivering  tailor-made training programmes to the Industry

Designing  and delivering  tailor-made training programmes to the Industry

Skills Development

We work with industry to jointly analyse skill gaps  and develop relevant training programmes. Some of the  trainings we deliver to industry include:

Management and Leadership in current VUCA environment

Coaching and mentoring

People Management

Performance Management

Organisational Culture

Organisational learning

Change Management

Customer care

Emotional intelligence

Personality profiling

Stress Management


Effective Communication

Hotel Management

Situational influence

Organisational Development

We provide Organisational Development services through:

Designing different policies aligned to your company needs

Designing and delivering organisational culture solutions

Institutional policies

Organisational culture

Short Professional Course ( 3-4 months)

We develop and deliver industry-specific  short professional programmes for skills enhancement for professionals. Our short professional programmes will give you a virtual industry experience.


Our professional  programmes will give you a unique experience that will:

Substantially raise your professional skill levels

Enhance your ability to perform your job

Prepare you for professional growth and career advancement

Enable you to build a strong network with other leading industry professionals

What We are Offering Professional Courses In

Human Resources & Leadership
Digital Marketing
Industry Specific Marketing
Short Courses

Starting soon

Professional course in

Climate Change and Mitigation
Project Management
Green Finance
Fund Management
Actuarial Science

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