The UoK Distinguished Professor Lecture Series

Distinguished Scholars are a source of attraction and motivation in the academy. Every academic aspires to be like them at some point. They tend to be closely associated with the greatest wisdom in their disciplines and, more broadly, around higher education issues. They can help create a positive academic environment in a school or university and, with careful planning, provide academic leadership mentoring to young staff in the institution.

At UoK, we have an ambitious Distinguished Lecture Series earmarked to take place once every trimester.

Both local and international distinguished Professors will be invited, with a greater emphasis on African scholarship.

In 2024, the following distinguished professors shall be invited:

  1. Professor Lumumba Kenya
  2. Professor Jane Knight (OISE Canada)
  3. Professor Emile Bienvenu, the Director-General of Rwanda Food and Drug Authority (FDA), has been appointed as the Chair of the Steering Committee for the WHO Member State Mechanism on Substandard and Falsified Medical Products.
  4. Professor Verdiana-Grace Masanja A chat with Tanzania’s first female professor of Mathematics
  1. Professor Shaukat Abdulrazak, the current Director of the Africa Division of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and former Director General of the National Commission for Science, Technology, and Innovation (NCST/NACOSTI), has been honored as a Fellow of the ISC. This recognition reflects his outstanding leadership in the fields of nuclear science and technology. In his capacity as the Director for the Division for Africa at the IAEA Department of Technical Cooperation, Prof. Shaukat facilitates IAEA technical cooperation support to 49 countries in Africa.
  2. Professor Obert Maravanyika (University of Zimbabwe).
  3. Professor S Njabulo Ndebele, former VC of UCT, has left a remarkable contribution in education, literature and cultural studies, professors-from-south-africa/reference
  1. Professor Ruksana Osman, Senior DVC Academic, University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg.