Office of the DVC-IDRI

Institutional Development, Research, and Innovation at the University of Kigali (UoK): Pioneering Research-Led Growth in Africa

In the dynamic and rapidly evolving landscape of higher education, UoK is committed to advancing knowledge and fostering innovation through Institutional Development, Research, and Innovation (IDRI), a unit, headed by DVC-IDRI.

As a University with a vision to become a research-led institution, we recognise the critical role of integrating research with teaching to drive academic excellence and societal impact. We stand at the forefront of our efforts to transform educational practices and cultivate groundbreaking research, addressing the unique challenges and opportunities within the region.

The Structure of IDRI

The Institutional Development, Research, and Innovation Office at UoK is organised into three key areas: Institutional Development, Research, and Innovation. Each area plays a vital role in achieving our mission and vision.

1. Institutional Development

Grant Application

Our team assists faculty and researchers in identifying and applying for grants from national and international funding bodies. This support ensures that our research initiatives have the financial backing to succeed.

Short Courses

We offer a variety of short courses designed to enhance the skills of our academic and administrative staff, ensuring they are equipped to meet the demands of a research-led institution.

Resource Mobilization

Resource Mobilization


Strategic Partnerships: Building and maintaining partnerships with leading Universities, research institutions, and industry partners worldwide. These collaborations enhance our research capabilities and open doors to new opportunities for our students and faculty.

2. Research

Research Active Staff Profiles

Highlighting the research activities and achievements of our faculty members through detailed profiles that showcase their expertise and contributions.

Institutional Journal

Publishing a peer-reviewed journal that features original research articles, reviews, and case studies from our academic community.

Research Communities of Scholarship

Fostering interdisciplinary research communities that encourage collaboration and the exchange of ideas among scholars from various fields.

Conferences and Seminars

Organizing and hosting conferences and seminars that bring together researchers, practitioners, and students to discuss and disseminate new knowledge and innovations.

UCHEP (University Certificate in Higher Education Practice)

Providing faculty with the opportunity to enhance their teaching practices and integrate research into their pedagogy through the UCHEP programme

Staff Seminar Series

Hosting regular seminars that allow staff to be trained, present their research findings, share insights, and engage in scholarly discussions with their peers.

3. Innovation

University Enterprise Business Center, is a dynamic and innovative training center that supports entrepreneurship and business development at UoK and in Rwanda. It provides resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs for our student hub and youth in Rwanda, with the objective of creating jobs and youth empowerment.

Facilitating the translation of academic research into practical applications that benefit industry and society. This includes partnerships with businesses to apply research findings to real-world challenges and via startups.

Ensuring that the knowledge generated at our University is accessible to the broader community through open access publications, public lectures, and community outreach programmes.

Encouraging and supporting innovative projects led by students, fostering a culture of creativity and problem-solving from an early stage in their academic careers.