University of Kigali School of Law places 2nd in the 2023 Inter-University Moot Court Competition

July 13, 2023

On Thursday, 29th June 2023, students from the University of Kigali (UoK) School of Law placed 2nd in the Inter-University Moot Court on “Climate Change Refugees – Enhancing Government’s Transparency and Accountability in Promotion of Human Rights”. The competition was organized by the Schools of Law in Rwanda and Mount Kenya University Parklands Law Campus. The competition took place on 29th June 2022 at Mount Kigali University, Rwanda. It brought together three Law Schools in four (4) private universities, one (1) public university in Rwanda, and Mount Kenya University Parklands Law Campus.

The UoK students successfully progressed through the Preliminary Hearing stage to reach the Finals. Subsequently, they became the second-best and received the 1st  Runner-up Team Trophy.
The UoK students successfully progressed through the Preliminary Hearing stage to reach the Finals.  Subsequently, they became the second-best and received the 1st  Runner-up Team Trophy.
The UoK team further received a trophy for Overall Best Female Speaker.  The UoK Law students were the 2ndamong all Schools of Law in public and private universities in Rwanda and Mount Kenya University Parklands Law Campus; and the 1st among the  Rwandan Law Schools. Many congratulations to the University of Kigali School of Law!

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