University of Kigali Appoints Professor David Karungu Wangombe, PhD, MBA, CPA(K) as Vice Chancellor

February 9, 2023

The Board of Directors of the University of Kigali (UoK) has appointed Professor David Karungu Wangombe, PhD, MBA, CPA(K) as Vice Chancellor of the university, following the resignation of the former VC, Professor Robert O. Rugimbana for health-related reasons. The appointment takes effect on 1st March 2023.

Prof. Wangombe holds a BA (Hons) and MBA from the University of Nairobi as well as a PhD and Associate Professor of Accounting and Ssustainability from Strathmore University, Kenya. He is a Certified Public Accountant of Kenya (CPA(K) andan alumnus of the International Faculty Development Program (IFDP) of the highly-rated IESE Business School, Barcelona, Spain (2008) and Teaching the Practice of Management (TPM). He brings to his new role a wealth of demonstrable knowledge and experience, having worked in various institutions of higher learning as the Dean of School of Management and Commerce at Strathmore University, Kenya for 10 years, Director of Strathmore Enterprise Development Centre and Strathmore Research and Consultancy Company, Vice Chancellor designate of Tangaza University college and a lecturer in the fields of Finance, Accounting and Enterprise Development for over 2 decades.

Prof. Wangombe has been the lead consultant in the Development of Resilience Strategies for 5 cities in Kenya, a World Bank-funded project under the State Department of Housing and Urban Development ending in February 2023. For over 10 years, Prof. Wangombe has built capacity for Healthcare Leaders in Africa under the Management Ddevelopment Institute (MDI), a joint project of the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Africa Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF) and funded by Johnson and Johnson. 


He has further trained over 15,000 entrepreneurs with banks and enterprise centres in Kenya and over 1,000 African faculties on case methodology under the Partnership for Pedagogical Leadership in Africa (PEDAL), a program of PASGR that seeks to improve faculty pedagogical skills. He has consulted for several organizations including Strathmore Business School (SBS), Adamsmith International, Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR), Kenya Commercial Bank and Strathmore Research and Consultancy Company (SRCC).

The Board of Directors, Management team, staff and students of University of Kigali congratulate Prof. Wangombe on his appointment and commit to supporting his efforts in steering the affairs of UoK towards the achievement of its strategic goals.

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