Professor Nnamdi O. Madichie’s co-authored Paper gets published in Information Systems Frontiers as an Award- Winning Manuscript 2023/2024

December 14, 2023

The Management, staff and students of University of Kigali congratulate Professor Nnamdi O. Madichie on the publication of his co-authored paper “Between Handholding and Hand-held Devices: Marketing Through Smartphone Innovation and Women’s Entrepreneurship in Post Conflict Economies in Times of Crisis.” in Information Systems Frontiers, and nomination as an exemplary GTM article for the year.

The Grounded Theory Methodology Special Interest Group (SIG GTM) annually recognizes exemplary GTM articles published in significant IS journals.  Each of these journals is asked to nominate the best GTM paper published in their journal from the prior year (i.e., 2022-23). After all journal nominations were received, a team of top scholars, well-versed in grounded theory reviewed the nominations and selected a paper for the SIG GTM Best Paper award.

About the Authors:

Nisreen Ameen is Associate Professor in Digital Marketing at the Royal Holloway University of London. She is also Director, Digital Organisation and Society research centre, Senior Editor, Information Technology and People, Associate Editor, Computers in Human Behavior, and Editorial Board member, Journal of Business Research. Vice President, UK Academy of Information Systems (UKAIS). She can be contacted at:

Nnamdi O. Madichie is a Professor of Marketing and Entrepreneurship at the School of Graduate Studies, University of Kigali, Rwanda. He has researched and published widely on business and management in Africa. His research interests lie at the intersection of Marketing and Entrepreneurship. He has authored and co-authored a number of books including titles like Digital Entrepreneurship in Sub-Saharan Africa (Palgrave/ Springer), Entrepreneurship and the Informal Sector in Africa (Routledge), New Public Management in Africa (Palgrave), and the Creative Industries and International Business Development in Africa (Emerald). In addition to serving as manuscript reviewer for top journals such as the Journal of Small Business Management (Wiley), Thunderbird International Business Review (Wiley) among others, Professor Madichie sits on the editorial board of leading journals such as Management Decision, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development (Emerald), and the International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Sage).  He has supervised over 100 master’s theses and examined dozens of Doctoral theses across African Universities notably Ghana and South Africa. He can be contacted at

Amitabh Anand is presently Associate Professor at the Excelia Business School in La Rochelle, France. He previously worked as Assistant Professor in Academy of Digitalization at SKEMA Business School, Université Côte d’Azur, France, Dr. Amitabh holds Bachelor’s in environmental engineering degree from, India, He obtained a scholarship to undertake his MBA at the Stockholm University, Sweden and secured full scholarship to complete Ph.D. from NEOMA Business School, Paris, France. He can be contacted at:

How to cite:

Ameen, N., Madichie, N. O., & Anand, A. (2023). Between handholding and hand-held devices: Marketing through smartphone innovation and women’s entrepreneurship in post conflict economies in times of crisis. Information Systems Frontiers, 25, 401-423.,


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